Contact us

To open a new account or for questions about your existing account

Have your details to hand

To manage your accounts or personal details, you'll need to be registered for our online and phone service. Please have your NS&I number and password to hand.

For general enquiries

Not for: anything specific about your account as we won’t be able to deal with your request.

  • Post us @nsandihelp

  • Chat to us

    Our virtual assistant Ask NS&I can help you with general queries 24/7.

    If you need to chat to one of our team, we’re available:

    8am to 8pm Monday to Friday
    8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday

    (Closed on bank holidays)

    Start a chat by clicking the blue chat icon in the bottom right of your screen.

    Our web chat service can only answer general queries. If you need to get in touch about your account, please call us.

  • Message us on Facebook Messenger

How to make a complaint

If you, or someone whose account you look after, need extra support we're here to help